Organization has received Certificate for outstanding service to humanity from State International year of volunteers committee in the year 2001 from Chief Minister of Odisha.
Best NGO in the field of HIV & AIDS in Cuttack dist – Certificate & memento handed over by Finance Minister, Govt. of Odisha on the occasion of 64th Independence Day function

Best Organization Award for the year 2002 – 2003 received from Chief Minister Orissa on the occasion of 57th Independence Day.
Organization has received State level “Prakrutimitra Award” for the year 1998 – 99 from Chief Minister of Odisha.

Pranam Matrubhumi 2015 Award, Awarded by Chief Minister of Odisha on the occasion of 129th birth Anniversary of Utkalmani Pandit Gopabandhu Das towards Immense contribution for the development of the downtrodden and socially neglected people of Odisha.
Organization has received “Best Environment building Organization of the District” Award form District Administration handed over by Deputy Chief Minister of Odisha Late Basant Kumar Biswal in the year 1998.

Honoured in the historic balijatra inaugural function by district administration jointly by honorable MP, Cuttack SJ Bhartruhari Mohatab , MLA SJ Debi Mishra , MLA SJ Pravat Tripathy , MLA DR Pramod Mallik, MLA Pratap Jena and Chairperson Zilla Parishad Cuttack SJ Prasant Behera.
Best NGO in the field of HIV & AIDS in Cuttack district – Certificate & memento handed over by S.N Girish IAS Collector ,Cuttack during historic baliyatra of Cuttack.

HIV & AIDS awareness at baliyatra through a mega sand art by Sand Artist Padmashree Sudarshan Pattnaik in the informative IEC stall of Utkal Sevak Samaj.
Mr Samir Dey Minister of Higher Education Govt. of Orissa and Mayor CMC Nibedita Pradhan with Secretary Utkal Sevak Samaj during Observance of World Labaour’s Day.

Innovative Environment Awareness by wedding ceremony between Banian & Ashwattha Tree in the presence of Shri Digamber Mohanty Collector Cuttack , Former Chief Justice of Sikkim High Court Nayamurti Shri Jugal Kishore Mohanty and Prof Dr Asutosh Debata, Secretary District Environment Society Cuttack.
Minister of Health & Family welfare Govt of Orissa Shri Prasanna Acharya , Information commissioner Mr Jagadananda ,SJ Alekh Chandra Padhi, Director of Orissa State Aids Control Society(OSACS) inaugurating POSANA “O” POSAKATATWA – an informative book on Food & Nutrition.

District level award from the then Chief Secretary of Odisha Mr Sudhansu Mishra IAS towards immense contribution in the field of disability
Best NGO award in the field of social work received from Deputy Mayor Smt Puspa Samal occasion of annual function Daily news paper” Prusthabhumi “.

Secretary USS interacting with collector Cuttack Mr Isaac Behera IAS in the presence of Justice R.K Patra of Orissa High Court regarding child labour problem in the District.
Radio Utkal 91.2 FM run by Utkal Sevak Samaj won the 4th edition of the TRF-UNESCO-CEMCA SDG Fellowship Award competing with 82 final applicants all over India. On the occasion of Radio Festival and World Radio Day the award was presented to the Radio Utkal.

On the eve of 75th Republic Day, Radio Utkal 91.2 FM is awarded at the District Level Republic Day Celebration organised at Barabati Stadium, Cuttack. The reward was presented by the chief guest of the day, the Minister of Revenue and Disaster Management of Odisha, in the presence of other eminent personalities such as Narahari Sethi Collector cum District Magistrate Cuttack, Pinaki Mishra, DCP Cuttack and Lalatendu Mohapatra, DIPRO Cuttack.
Utkal Sevak Samaj has been recognized with the prestigious District Administration award which was presented by Deputy Chief Minister, Odisha and Collector cum District Magistrate Cuttack on the occasion of 78th Independence Day. This award is a testament to our organization’s unwavering dedication and commitment for serving the society, and the positive impact and transformation made in lives of many. This award is given to USS for outstanding accomplishment in the sectors of Health, Water and Sanitation, Protection of Child Rights, Disaster Management, Psychosocial Care, Animal Welfare and Livelihood providing necessary support to the beneficiaries in time.