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SABALA – Empowerment of Adolescent Girls
There are 1327 KishoriSamoohas having membership around 12,000 Adolescent Girls between 11-18 years of age in Tangi – Choudwar, MAhanga, Nischintakoili, Salipur&Narasinghpur of Cuttack District. With the objective to improve the Knowledge &Awareness on Reproductive Health, Personal Hygiene Cleanliness. Nutritional and Health Status Of Adolescent Girls USS is working with 750 Adolescent Girls to Empower them by proving Education in Life Skills, RCH General Health, Menstrual Hygiene, Personal Cleanliness, Sanitation Health and Nutrition. The focus of the Scheme is primiarily on out of School Girls.
The broad areas of activity include :
Nutrition and Health Education – This provision includes healthy traditional practices and dispelling harmful myths, promote healthy cooking, good eating habits, take up balanced diet and locally available nutritious food, sensitising about nutrient deficiency disorders, prevention, nutritional requirements during pregnancy and lactation, etc., use of safe drinking water and sanitation, educating on personal hygiene, onset of puberty and related changes, informing about common ailments, home remedies, First Aid, personal hygiene, exercise,educating on avoiding drugs and alcohol abuse, stress management, etc.
Life Skills Education – Its ultimate aim is to enable AGs in self development. Broad topics covered in the training for development of life skills include confidence building, self awareness and self esteem, decision making, critical thinking, communication skills, rights & entitlement, coping with stress and responding to peer pressure, functional literacy, etc.
Accessing Public Services – The adolescent girls are informed and guided them about accessing existing public services, such as PHC, CHC, Post Office, Bank, Police Station, etc The govt is directly providing Supplementary nutrition, IFA Supplementation, general health check up at least once in three months on a special day called the Kishori Diwas. The Adolescent girls are provided counselling and guidance to access those services. Besides they are facilitated to get vocational training through National Skill Development Programme, mainstreaming into formal/non formal‐education.
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Child Development::
[su_list icon=”icon: child” icon_color=”#0f6bee”]
Disaster Management & Mitigation::
[su_list icon=”icon: bolt” icon_color=”#e4e322″]
- Community & Panchayat level Contingency Plan involving PRI Members
- Disaster Preparedness
- Disaster Rehabilitation
- Emergency Response
[su_list icon=”icon: book” icon_color=”#f639d0″]
- Education for Anganwadi Workers on HIV & AIDS
- Education to PRI Members on different schemes for social security
- Life Skill education to adolescent girls
[su_list icon=”icon: stethoscope” icon_color=”#f29919″]
- Care and support to people living with HIV & AIDS
- Community based mental health
- HIV and AIDS Awareness
- Link Worker Scheme
- Prevention and control of TB & Malaria
- Prevention of Parent to child Transmission
- Reproductive Mother & child health
Integrated Community Transformation::
[su_list icon=”icon: building” icon_color=”#6efff6″]
- Community Development
- Income Generation programs for Poor & Marginalized
- Promotion of Self Help Processes among Women
- Promotion of sustainable agriculture among tribal women
- Strengthening local self Governance and advocacy on rights of marginalized
- Training of Women PRI representatives on their duties and rights.
Lobby & Advocacy::
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- Biodiversity and related to Social Security issues
- Blood safety issues
- Highlight the rights and needs of PLHIVs
- Rights of Patients through Odisha Rajya Rogi Adhikar Mancha
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[su_tabs active=”1″][su_tab title=”Objectives“]
Enable self Devlopment and Empowerment of Adolescent Girls.
Improve Nutrition and Health status.
Spread Awareness among Adolescent Girls about Health, Hygiene, Nutrition, Adolescent Reproductive and sexual Health (ARSH) and Family and Child Care
Upgrade their Home- Based skills ( Economic Activities such as tailoring, Embroidery, pickle making, etc), Life Skills and Vocational Skills
Mainstream out of –school Adolescent Girls into Formal or Non formal Education
Inform and guide them about existing public services such as Health Centers (PHC and CHC), Post Offices, Police Stations, Railway station ,Bank (DhanjanYojana, BalikaSamrudhiYojana, Atal Pension Yojanaetc)
[su_tab title=”Achievements“]
- 1200 Adolescent Girls received Reproductive Health Personal Hygiene Sanitation Nutrition, Life Skill Education and Vocational Training.
- 30 Exposure visits organized taking 750 Adolescent Girls to Various Govt. Schemes, Services
- 5 types of posters & leaflets developed and distributed
[su_tab title=”Project Area“]Mahanga, Tangi- Choudwar, Salipur, Nischintakoili&Narasinghpur Block of Cuttack District.
[su_tab title=”Target Population“]1200 Adolescent Girls of Mahanga, Tangi- Choudwar, Salipur, Nischintakoili&Narasinghpur Block pf Cuttack District.