- Education of Drop-Outs & Non-Starters
- Prevention of child labor
- Disaster Preparedness
- Emergency Response
- Disaster Rehabilitation
- Community & Panchayat level Contingency Plan involving PRI Members
- Education for Anganwadi Workers on HIV & AIDS
- Life Skill education to adolescent girls
- Education to PRI Members on different schemes for social security
- HIV and AIDS Awareness
- Care and support to people living with HIV & AIDS
- Prevention and control of TB & Malaria
- Community based mental health
- Reproductive Mother & child health
- Prevention of Parent to child Transmission
- Training of Women PRI representatives on their duties and rights.
- Strengthening local self Governance and advocacy on rights of marginalized
- Community Development
- Income Generation programs for Poor & Marginalized
- Promotion of Self Help Processes among Women
- Promotion of sustainable agriculture among tribal women
- Highlight the rights and needs of PLHIVs
- Biodiversity and related to Social Security issues
- Blood safety issues
- Rights of Patients through Odisha Rajya Rogi Adhikar Mancha