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VIHAAN Means “Dawn’s FIrst Light,” is a project for improving Care, Support & Treatment Services for people living with HIV. The project provides expanded access to key services, increase treatment adherence, reduce stigma and discrimination and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV through care & support Centers (CSC).
Utkal Sevk Samaj is implementing VIHAAN-CSC supported by India HIV/AIDS Alliance/Global Fund ROund-4 through LEPRA society in Cuttack District of Odisha. It is committed to the health and well being of PLHIV community and their affected families. The focus is to reach those from underserved and marginalized populations, including women, children and High Risk Groups, (such as Female Sex Workers, Me who have sex with Men, Transgender and people who inject drugs). A safe space for PLHIV, CSC coordinate with nearby ART Centers and provide access to essential care and support services, including counseling, outreach and follow up, health referrals and linkages to social welfare schemes and social entitlements.
Early linkages of PLHIVs to care, support and treatment services.
Improve treatment adherence and education for PLHIVs.
Expanded positive prevention activities.
Improve social protection and wellbeing of PLHIVs.
Strengthen community system and reduce sigma & discrimination.
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Child Development::
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Disaster Management & Mitigation::
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- Community & Panchayat level Contingency Plan involving PRI Members
- Disaster Preparedness
- Disaster Rehabilitation
- Emergency Response
[su_list icon=”icon: book” icon_color=”#f639d0″]
- Education for Anganwadi Workers on HIV & AIDS
- Education to PRI Members on different schemes for social security
- Life Skill education to adolescent girls
[su_list icon=”icon: stethoscope” icon_color=”#f29919″]
- Care and support to people living with HIV & AIDS
- Community based mental health
- HIV and AIDS Awareness
- Link Worker Scheme
- Prevention and control of TB & Malaria
- Prevention of Parent to child Transmission
- Reproductive Mother & child health
Integrated Community Transformation::
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- Community Development
- Income Generation programs for Poor & Marginalized
- Promotion of Self Help Processes among Women
- Promotion of sustainable agriculture among tribal women
- Strengthening local self Governance and advocacy on rights of marginalized
- Training of Women PRI representatives on their duties and rights.
Lobby & Advocacy::
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- Biodiversity and related to Social Security issues
- Blood safety issues
- Highlight the rights and needs of PLHIVs
- Rights of Patients through Odisha Rajya Rogi Adhikar Mancha
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[su_tabs active=”1″][su_tab title=”Major Activities“]
Counselling services – Different type of counselling (like- individual, couple, paediatric, family, adolescent) on different thematic areas (like – Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) adherence, Opportunistic Infection (OI) Management, Nutrition, Psycho-social, Home based care, HIV prevention, Sexual & Reproductive Health, safe sex education, discordant couple, family planning, status disclosure).
Out Reach Services – Follow up PLHIVs for ART adherence, CD4 monitoring, MIS & LFU tracking, Need based counselling, Referral services to different service delivery points.
Referral & Linkages – Referral services to different service delivery points. Linkage services to different social welfare schemes from Govt. and Non-Govt agencies and institutes.
Advocacy Program – Advocacy cum sensitization program. Discrimination Response Team (DRT) – about 15 members will attend the victims within 24 hours on reporting.
Support Group Meeting (SGM) – These meetings will provide the members a platform to share their issues and concerns about confidentiality and learn from each other how to cope. Also helps strengthen this knowledge on HIV related issues and build their capacity accordingly.
Social Entitlement Events – Mass public event with officers from different line departments of Govt. / Non Govt and other institutions.
[su_tab title=”Achievements“]
- 180 Supports Group Meeting Organized
- 589 On ART & 496 Pre-ART clients registered in CSC and received counseling
- 255 PLHIVs linked with Madhubabu Pension Yojona& 31 PLHIVs with PrustyPosoka Yojana,55
PLHIV with Good will Pass and 3 PLHIV with SukanyaSamrudhiyojana
[su_tab title=”Major Project Area“]
15 blocks of Cuttack district in Odisha, India.
[su_tab title=”Target Population“]
Total PLHIV = 216
(MALE= 1125, FEMALE= 810, TG= 16, MC= 99, FC= 76)
(Within financial period Apr’14 to Mar’15= Total PLHIV= 1085, M= 596, F= 400, TG= 13, MC= 39, FC= 37)
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Swarna (Fictitous Character) is a thirty-five year old HIV positive widow. She had got married to PrafullaMuduli who was a truck driver earning RS 4000/- per month. Being a driver he used to come to his house twice or thrice in a month. He was addicted to alcohol. After two years of their conjugal life, Prafulla very often suffered from fever and diarrhoea and came to S.C.B medical Collage &Hospital,Cuttack and found HIV positive. He did not disclose this even to his wife. Later on Swarna became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. After 3 years Swarna also suffered from fever and loose motion. She came S.C.B Medical, Cuttack and in the month of April 2009, she also found HIV positive. Both husband and wife did not disclose this matter to none of their family members .Towards the end of 2009 Prafulla suffered a lot and ultimately died. After Prafulla’s death the in laws of Swarna were quite rude and tortured her. When her brother came to know about all these he brought his sister back to his village Dhanupada. This incident also filed in the police station and now Swarna is waiting for Justice.
In the mean while in 2009 she registered herself in ART Centre, SCB MCH, Cuttack. But did not collect medicine due to fear of stigma and lack of knowledge. Once her name was given to CSC- Vihan, USS as Pre –ART LFU and outreach worker of CSC-USS went to follow up her. At first she & her family members were not saying about her HIV status but they told that her husband has died in HIV. After marathon follow– up and counselling by the outreach worker of CSC, her family members and she herself dis closed her HIV her HIV status and agreed to come to ARTPC, Cuttack for her treatment . Her brother brought her to ART plus centre where all sorts of Investigations were done by the help of the outreach workers of CSC. After CD4 count test she was found eligible for ART. Her ART treatment was also started and CSS referred her son to ICTC-1 SCB MCH, Cuttack for HIV testing and he also detected HIV positive. He will also be covered under paediatric ART once become eligible for that.
Swarna was deeply disheartened when she came to know about his son’s positive result. She wept and cursed her fate. But she was counselled by CSC that with HIV, one can lead a healthy and happy life by taking proper treatment and healthy practice. Now she is under treatment and feeling better, Her brother is very much obliged and thankful to CSC because of their great effort and unconditional care & support for which they could able to see the light of hope.